When I read local newspaper, I found http://www.sockandawe.com/ by POPJAM. There is a flash game and you can hit Mr Bush by a shoe it is quite funny for me. People getting creative create relevant website when this news booming.
sockandawe.com is for sale on e bay with 1.4 billion unique view. wow this is very very creative SEO technique.
Akhirnya setelah riset selama 1 minggu untuk ganti Nikon L2 yang udah soldout, gw dapetin Panasonic Lumix FZ7, biar gw dapet barang second, tapi barang masih manteb, garansi masih 1/2 taun lagi. hehe... worth buy..
show of dikit deh hasil foto-fotonya (all photos has been resized to 480px):