Flash game: Hit Mr Bush by a Shoe

6:29 PM 2 Comments A+ a-

When I read local newspaper, I found http://www.sockandawe.com/ by POPJAM. There is a flash game and you can hit Mr Bush by a shoe it is quite funny for me. People getting creative create relevant website when this news booming.

sockandawe.com is for sale on e bay with 1.4 billion unique view.
wow this is very very creative SEO technique.

Or play online here:
Sock and Awe! Hit Mr Bush bya a Shoe

Hasil foto dengan panasonic Lumix FZ7

12:28 AM 0 Comments A+ a-

Akhirnya setelah riset selama 1 minggu untuk ganti Nikon L2 yang udah soldout, gw dapetin Panasonic Lumix FZ7, biar gw dapet barang second, tapi barang masih manteb, garansi masih 1/2 taun lagi. hehe... worth buy..

show of dikit deh hasil foto-fotonya (all photos has been resized to 480px):

FYI: 27 Kosmetik yang dilarang POM

7:27 PM 0 Comments A+ a-

27 merek kosmetik di samping ditarik dari peredaran karena mengandung merkuri, asam retinoat, dan zat pewarna rhodamin oleh Badan POM.

27 merk tersebut terdiri dari 11 merk dari Jepang dan China, 8 produk lokal, dan 8 produk yang tidak jelas asal usulnya.

Kandungan merkuri yang terkandung di dalam kosmetik tersebut dapat menyebabkan iritasi kulit, alergi, kerusakan permanen pada saraf otak, mutah, diare, gangguan ginjal, dan perkembangan janin.

Zat pewarna yang terkandung juga dapat menyebabkan kanker dan kerusakan hati.

Jadi untuk paran wanita yang ingin tetap tampil cantik, pilihlah kosmetik anda dengan bijak. Jangan sampai terjebak oleh produk-produk disamping ini.

via. kompas

Dita Von Teese topless for German Playboy

7:55 PM 0 Comments A+ a-

Related photos for Dita Von Tease Topless For German Playboy:
Dita Von Teese topless in German Playboy
Dita Von Teese Strips Off for German Playboy
Dita Von Teese - Playboy Magazine (December 2008)
Cele|bitchy » Dita Von Teese posed for German

Baca Koran Cetak Kompas via online

5:29 PM 1 Comments A+ a-

Sekarang sepertinya pembaca Kompas sudah begitu dimanjakan oleh internet. Kompas cetak yang dijual eceran Rp 3,500 per eksemplar di P.Jawa dapat dinikmati secara online secara gratis.

Kompas cetak online ini juga sama persisi seperti kompas yang kita beli di loper-loper koran.
Berikut adalah url-nya: http://epaper.kompas.com/

Fitur-fitur di http://epaper.kompas.com/ adalah:
Kita juga bisa melihat indeks halaman, dan arsip koran yang sudah terbit.
Thanks to Kompas.com.

Youtube goes widescreen

1:37 AM 0 Comments A+ a-

Youtube today have probably noticed that everybody's favorite internet video site has undergone a slight change—everything has gone widescreen!

That's right, now you can watch a dog humping a baby in 16:9, rather than the original boring ol' 4:3. Though, if you'd rather stick to boring ol' 4:3, that's not going away either

Via: http://gizmodo.com/5098474/youtube-now-playing-widescreen-videos

Blogger youtube video bar source code (customized)

1:27 AM 0 Comments A+ a-

When adding new gadget into your blogger layout, you can find "add video bar" from Youtube.
You can customized and see the original source code from Google API from here:

I try it to my Serie A News blog at http://transfer-calcio.blogspot.com/

Ridhaz VS Tenggiri

10:56 PM 0 Comments A+ a-

Tengiri Fight

Lagi buka account di Metacafe liat uploadan video lama pas lagi mancing bareng temen2.
Seru banget mancing tenggiri, biar cuma pake pancing tarik (gulungan) tapi hasilnya gak kalah sama yang pake reel. +-8Kg tenggiri berhasil gw dapetin.

Rekor 15Kg by Ali.

Markisa berdaun sirih

10:44 PM 0 Comments A+ a-

Ini buah Markisa, hehe baru tau nih kalo pohonnya merambat, buahnya juga kayak tomat tapi lebih besar.
Pohon markisa di Bogor Cicurug, tempatnya Pak Hadi nih.
Posted by Picasa

Marlboro Lights Hard Pack

9:06 PM 0 Comments A+ a-

Neh dia Marlboro Light hard pack terbaru, bahan metal keren, kesannya cool n cofidence.. :p
Beli di Circle-K Kelapa Gading. Posted by Picasa

Orkes PSP (Pancaran Sinar Petromak)

8:33 AM 2 Comments A+ a-

Masih inget sama lagu-lagu jadul dari Orkes PSP (Pancaran Sinar Petromak)?

hehe.. lagu-lagu yang konyol menggelitik jadul tapi layak dimasukin di playlist mp3 player nih..

Habis browsing di tangerangku.net buat cari-cari Mp3 jadul, eh nemu juga lagu-lagunya PSP.

Buat yang kangen sama Pancaran sinar Petromak, langsung aja ke:

Spooky Sea Monster (Monster Ancol)

12:03 AM 0 Comments A+ a-

First time I saw this video at Kaskus.us posted by someone.
They called it "Monster Ancol" or local fisherman called it "kutu air"
Some people said this monster appear in Ancol bay near Jakarta - Indonesia.

Ridhaz and the Boonk: Puncak 1 Nov 08

11:39 AM 1 Comments A+ a-

boonk communitySatu lagi outing tahunan anak-anak boonk yang tetep nggak bikin bosen.
Tiap tahun selalu ada warna tersendiri di setiap outing yang sampai pada saat ini tetep rutin dijalanin.

villa anne puncak bogorTanggal 1 November 2008 bertempat di Villa anne Puncak - Bogor seperti tahun-tahun sebelumnya ritual boonk outing berlangsung mantap, hikmat, carzy dll !

Ritual taunan sejak jaman SMU dulu tahun 1995-1998, semakin bertambah peserta seperti Alexander Bronx, Nunu dan Ozoz dari total 15 partisipan yang ikut
(Didiet, Raja, T-vu, Anton, Imbang, Blek, Aziz, Acunk, Indra, Harry, Yogie dan Mail) tetep meriah meski Fibrie, Angga, Pecox dan Weda gagal ikut.

Acara gamesnya seru banget dan lucu, nggak lupa acara tukeran kado yang bikin tambah meriah. Dan acara puncak hehe.. party till drop dengan pesta kostum unik makin asik dan mantep!!

Biar rata-rata anak-anak boonk dah pada married, taun depan tetep bakal diadain lagi acara serupa.
btw ini kostum party gw... 'the serial killer in action' he..he..he

ridhaz aka didiet serial killer

Create 'read more with post title' at Blogger Beta (tweaked)

7:22 AM 3 Comments A+ a-

If you familiar with Wordpress, it so easy to create 'read more --post title--' at your post. But we can't find this plugin in Blogger Beta. Don't desperate guys..
Here some blogger tweak for creating 'Read More --your post title--' just like this blog.

You must login and select you desire blog and go Edit HTML Page. (see image below for first step illustration), Don't forget to click 'Expand Widget Templates'. ( see the red arrow below):

<div class="post-header-line-1">
<div class="post-body">

(or 'ctrl' 'f' to find the code)

After you find the code, cut and paste below code just after: <div class="post-body">
<b:if cond='data:blog.pageType == "item"'>





After you paste the code above you can find this code:

<div style='clear: both;'/> <!-- clear for photos floats -->

Copy the code below:
<a expr:href='data:post.url'>Continue reading <data:post.title/>...</a>

and paste between this two codes:
---paste the code here!----
<div style='clear: both;'/> <!-- clear for photos floats -->

So, the completed code structure must be like this:
<div class="post-header-line-1">
<div class="post-body">

<b:if cond='data:blog.pageType == "item"'>

<a expr:href='data:post.url'>Continue read <data:post.title/>...</a>

<div style='clear: both;'/> <!-- clear for photos floats -->
Save your Template

To complete your read more tweak please follow this steps:
click 'Setting' -> Formatting
Scroll your mouse below and paste this code into 'Post Template' box:
<span class="fullpost">


Note: The post structure with read more must be like this:
your post goes here
<span class="fullpost">
Your entire post goes here
And save your template.

# The blue highlighted are the original blogger code
# Only paste code at the box

Now, you can have read more at your blogger beta just like my blog.
how to create read more in blogger beta, read more blogger beta, cara bikin read more di blogger beta, create read more in blogspot, cara buat read more di blogspot

Serie A news blog

7:00 AM 0 Comments A+ a-

Kesukaan saya akan sepak bola terutama Lega Calcio serie A yang emang didasari dari hobi saya bermain Footbal Manager dan kesukaan saya akan AC Milan.

Sambil iseng ahirnya saya buat blog tentang berita seputar Serie A di Serie A News - Transfer Rumours. Isinya tentang berita transfer pemain-pemain yang merumput di Lega Calcio, dan seputar berita klub-klub serie A dan team Italy.

www.ayeey.com www.resepkuekeringku.com www.desainrumahnya.com www.yayasanbabysitterku.com www.luvne.com www.cicicookies.com www.tipscantiknya.com www.mbepp.com www.kumpulanrumusnya.com www.trikcantik.net